Monday 6 May 2013

Written Review of Initial Ideas

1. What are your 3 initial ideas? 
All three of my intial ideas will be handmade.

This is my first initial idea that I created using the phrase: 'Home Sweet Home', which is a phrase that I thought of for one of my initial ideas whilst I experimented making typography using sweets. This design involves cardboard as the 3D frame for the writing, as well as for the actual text for the centre of the house. This is an Oscar Wilson inspired design as it is similar to the calligrams he makes, apart from the fact that the phrase was only written once. I plan to develop this idea further for my final outcome. This is because it is my favourite idea out of the three, due to the fact that I can do a wide range of experiments using the phrase, as 'Home Sweet Home' would have different meanings to different people. 

This is my second initial idea that I also thought of whilst doing my sweet typography experiments. Althogh I do not intend on selecting this idea for my final outcome, this is one of my favourite deisgns. This is because it clearly relates to the exam theme; 'covert and obscure'. This is because the phrase is about revenge which is usually seen as something bad, however I used sweets for the typography which symbolises something good. Therefore there I have created a double meaning.

This is the last initial idea that I created, also revolving around the theme of sweets. This is my least favourite idea as the subjective points of it are quite simple; I drew sweets to write the word 'bitter' and lemon seeds for the word 'sweet' I did this because I wanted to make the phrase seem visually obscure and covert as I used food products that would have an opposite description to the word that I used them for.

2. Who have you researched to develop your ideas?
To develop my favourite idea; 'My 1st initial idea' I researched and Sneaky Raccoon and Evelin Kasikov. These are samples of their work that have inspired me to create a type using thread for my final outcome:
Sneaky Raccoon

Evelin Kasikov

3. Have you refined/developed your ideas through experimentation? How?
I have refined my developments through annotations in my sketchbook, inlcuding what materials I used, and my intentions. I have also refined and developed my work by using different materials and changing the pharse used for example: 'Revenge is Sweet' to 'Revenge'. The reasons for this is to make the phrase seem even more obscure and usually to create a double meaning using the word/phrase and object/substance.

4. Have you annotated, in detail, your experiments and developments in your sketchbook/blog and used this information to help you improve?
This is an example of how I annotated an initial idea with information on how I could improve. After doing this experiment and annotation I created this idea: 

5. Which idea has been the most successful? Why? 
I think that my first intial idea and the development has been most successful as I hvae developed it the most. I think I have been able to do this more than I have with my 2nd and 3rd initial ideas because 'Home Sweet Home' is a phrase that can be interpreted in different ways, and objects can be used to that have an opposite meaning to the phrase. For example: barbwire represents a prison which is the complete opposite to a home

6. Which idea has been the least successful? Why?
I think that my 3rd intial was the least successful due to the fact that I couldn't think of a wide range of ways to explore it. This is because the phrase: 'Take the bitter with the sweet' is quite straight forward and is not a phrase that can be interpreted in a number of ways.

7. Which idea do you think you will choose for your final outcome? Why?
I will choose a develpment of my first intial idea for my final outcome. This is because I have enjoyed exploring this idea the most, with different techniques and materials creating the typography. I have also decided to use my first idea for my final outcome because I think the phrase 'Home Sweet Home' can relate to a wider population than the other two phrases; 'Revenge is Sweet' and ' Take the bitter with the sweet'. I think this simply because everybody lives somewhere and has their own interpretation of what a home is, according to how and where they live. Therefore my outcome will not have a specific target market.

8. What else could you do to further develop this idea?
To further develop my last development of my first intial idea, inspired by Evelin Kasikov and the development before my last, inspired by Sneaky Raccoon I will do handmade and digital experiments using stitching tutorials. This will help me to decide on what technique I want to use in the exam for my final outcome, although I am certain that I will use embroidery hoops for the display.

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