Thursday 2 May 2013

Reasons for my final outcome; Contextual Research

I have presented this collection of photos to show how I thought of my ideas for my final outcome.

Definition of 'home' relating to the phrase 'home sweet home'.
I researched 'sweet colours' to show the colours that would relate to the phrase 'home sweet home' if I was using those type of colours for my outcome, which I am not.  

As a contrast I researched 'colours that are not nice' to show  colours that are completely opposite to 'sweet colours' I did this because I want to portray a double meaning for my final outcome, and using colours that do not relate to the phrase will help me do this. 

I researched prison as this is an opposite of a 'sweet home'. Using imagery in my final outcome of a prison will also help me to portray a double meaning, visually. 

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