Monday 26 November 2012

Henrik Bonnevier

This picture was done by a man named Henrik Bonnevier, born in 1972 who at first aspired to be a skiing photographer and is now a photographer that managed to create a CD cover, which he did not dream of doing. I believe that this picture is something you'd find in a magazine, for example: Vogue magazine. This is due to the fact that Henrik Bonnevier is clearly advertising one of the objects in the picture: Chanel perfume. The fact that he is advertising a perfume shows that the picture has a social context. 

I think that the theme of this picture is fashion and music. This is because he has used a variety of fashionable objects; a purse (which I think is the main focus); jewelery; and a shoe, as well as three pianos. The reason why I think that the main focus is the purse is because the Prada badge/logo is clearly shown, therefore that must be the brand Henrik is advertising. 

Henrik has used two very vibrant colours; red and blue which both stand out from each other. I think that this technique makes the image very eye catching. Just like Natsko Seki, Andrea Bricco and Rene Magritte, Henrik has created a surreal theme by playing with the size of the objects and making each object either smaller or bigger than the real life size version. He has done this with every object, except the purse that's being advertised. I think that he used a life size version of the purse because it's the main focus of the picture, therefore he allowed it to look large compared to some of the objects. 

 I have also noticed that the compostition of the objects seems very random, that could have possibly been done on purpose which make sthe image look very interesting. He has clearly thought about the colours he uses as they are both very bold and vibrant which creates a 'striking' effect.

Personal Response:
I think that this picture is visually attractive due to the use of bright colour, random composition and glossy effect on the objects. I think that the colours used can allow the person looking at the picture to feel very energetic due to the fact that they are very bright/vibrant. When I first saw it, it reminded me of a surrealist picture that Rene Magritte made due to the different sizes of objects that were unrealistic.

The picture by Rene Magritte:

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