Monday 26 November 2012

Andrea Bricco In-depth Analysis

This picture was created and taken by Andrea Bricco, who is a photographer that grew up in Westconsin where her family owned a restaurant. I believe that her family owning a restaurant has a link to her main theme of photography; food. 

Andrea focuses on lighting as in the majority of her pictures, she avoids creating shadows which I think is done by using an overhead light. In this picture she has used food, which she does in most of her pictures, therefore she focuses on using everyday objects. 

I like the way she creates images with food on a plate, especially how they look like landscapes. The fact that she has created a landscape image proves that she has concentrated and thought carefully on the composition of each object. Also, in other pictures for example: 

she has used illustrations using chalk. I think that using this technique is clever because when I first saw the picture I didn't know what food she had used, I then further observed the image and furthered my understanding of the picture and what food was used by looking at the drawing was. I believe that the drawing is a simple visualisation of the object/food she used. 

Personal Response:
The first picture that I have analysed reminds me of art work done by Rene Magritte and Natsko Seki. This is because Andrea has created a surrealist type of picture like Rene and Natsko have done. Andrea's picture seems surreal because the image she created is not actually realistic as she has used food to 'make' different things; a snow man, snow and the trees. 

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