Sunday 2 December 2012

Magazine Photo Shoot; Group Work

1. How we set up our first photo shoot; Henrik Bonnevier inspired:

For our Henrik inspired picture we focused on using objects with two colours just like he does in his pictures. The two colours we used were pink and blue. We ensured that we used two bold colours to show a clear link between our own photos and Henrik's photography. My group and I thought carefully about the composition; we wanted it to look planned, but as if it was planned to look random at the same time. The reason for this is because we believe that Henrik Bonnevier chooses the way that he places each object, but still allows it to give a random effect, because he doesn't place each object colour/size accordingly or in any particular order. We decided to have the same type of composition as Henrik created in this picture: 

Henrik Bonnevier's picture that inspired our idea

Our first photo

We placed the larges object towards the back; the bag, which is also not the same colour as the background.

This is the picture that we created after being inspired by Henrik Bonnevier. Objects used: - a pink bag 
- pink nail varnish
- a pink and white tub of vaseline
- pink lip gloss 
- a black and pink tube of mascara
- black glasses
- black thread
- pink bangle .
- two sheets of black sugar paper

We tried to stick to a colour theme; pink and black, just like Henrik used two colours in the picture above. We added the thread and placed some of it over the pink objects to add a pattern to the image and to show a contrast between the two completely different colours. If we could improve the picture, one way would be to change the composition of each object, making them stand up taller so that every object has an equal focus; I believe that the main focus of this picture we created would be the bag as it is bigger and is placed more 'up-right' compared to the other objects.    

 2. How we set up our second photo shoot; Andrea Bricco inspired:

 For our Andrea Bricco inspired we made it clear of what the main object is by drawing it (larger than the actual object) on a black piece of paper using white chalk in the same way that Andrea Bricco does. We chose to have a more 'planned' composition. This is because in the image below, made by Andrea Bricco she has clearly, carefully placed the food in a particular way as she thought of the presentation. Therefore we decided to place each object onto the black paper individually rather than placing them on top of each other.  
Andrea Bricco's photo that inspired our second idea

Our second photo


Objects used: 
- a pink bag
- pink and white tub of vaseline
- pink bracelet 
- pink nail varnish
- pink lip gloss
- a pink and black tube of mascara
- white chalk 
- one sheet of black sugar paper

If we could improve this picture I think that it would be to include different coloured objects, because in the picture above, made by Andrea Bricco, she hasn't used a particular colour scheme, and if we used random colours as she did, the link between our photo and hers would be even more obvious.

Out of the pictures that my group and I did, my favourite one would have to be the Andrea Bricco inspired picture. This is due to the fact that I am very fond of the way that we drew the main object on the sugar paper, allowing it to look like an illustration. By doing this we have included two different genres of art; illustration and photography which I think is very creative to do.

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