Monday 22 October 2012

My iFontmaker

This is a font that I produced using iFontmaker on an iPad. Before making the font, I thought about the theme I wanted to use, so that the font represented something. For example: a mood; happy/fun. When I officially chose my type (fun) I thought about what I wanted each letter to look like and what rule they should all follow to look similar. The rule that I created for the lower case letters is that each letter that was 'closed' (for example: letters 'a' 'b' 'd' and 'o') have a loop somewhere within them. Whereas the letters that are 'opened' (for example: letters 'f' 'h' 'j' and 'l') have loops at the end or top of the letter. For each of the capital letters, where I was changing 'course' of the letter, (e.g: when I reached the top of the letter 'm', 'p' or 'o') I created a loop. 

If I could make any improvements on this piece of work, I would try to make it look more fun. I would try to achieve this by adding colour and making it slanted. I think it would look better as it would symbolise 'fun' even more as it won't look plain and simple.

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