Friday 5 October 2012

Kinetic type

This is my Kinetic Type that I made using Adobe Illustrator. My inspiration for this would be Hebock Lee and his typography work. As shown above I experimented a variety of words to make each word look different. For example: I used the Blur effect for the word 'fill', whereas for the word 'stop' I used the Russian Blur which clearly has a different effect to the usual Blur. For the words 'BIG' and 'small' I used the same effect in the Distort and Transform which was Pucker and Bloat. The reason why chose to use the same font is because the two words are complete opposites so I thought it would be creative to use the same effect but different sizes to create an effective comparison. If I could improve my work I would write different phrase and choose effects that relate to the phrase. I also would have liked to experiment with colours in a variety of ways. For example: blending colours together that go well, as well as typing a word with one colour to make it bold and stand out. My favourite effect that I used in my work above is the Russian Blur used for the word 'stop'. This is because it makes the word look as if it's moving, which gives it a double meaning as the word 'stop' means to not move. 

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