Saturday 12 January 2013

Improved Advert

I made this advert due to the fact that I was unsatisfied with the outcomes of my previous advert designs. I decided to use Vladimir Konca as an inspiration for this new advert as I used edible substances (coffee beans and hot chocolate) to write the words with. Instead of taking a picture and adding it to a document on Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator I created the whole advert on a piece of paper that I will crop so the advert is only visible. I will then enlarge it to a larger size to fit my magazine. I decided to stick with naming my chocolate 'Moca' rather than 'Mocha' because I believe it's eye-catching and the fact that it is a made up product rather than the known flavour is the main reason why I chose to write it in that way. Also, I changed the arrangement of the chocolate, images of coffee beans and slogan simply because I think it looks better. 

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