Sunday 9 June 2013

Steve Wilson & Si Scott

Steve Wilson is a Brighton based Illustrator. His art work is mainly inspired by 'discarded paraphernalia' and books that he finds in flea markets in Brighton. Steve enhances the possible spontaneous use of pencils, collage and printmaking, by using digital tools such as: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. He has described his work as 'somewhere between pop and psychedelia'. I have chosen this piece to analyse because I like the patterns created and it also reminds me of a style of work created by another graphic artist: Si Scott.
This art piece was created by Si Scott. It relates to the image at the top of the page because it has 'swirly' patterns expanding from the main subject of the picture. I like this work made by Si Scott because he has used his name as the subject/theme but expanded from it using patterns. I believe the patterns he created are an expression of himself; presenting to us the simple fact that he likes to create swirly patterns. Also the use of different branches of patterns could be there to express the fact that he has many aspects to himself.
 He has had a variety of clients such as: Universal music, Atlantic Records, NYC & GO, Space NK, Contagious, Sony BMG, The Guardian, Nike, Cocoa Cola and Diesel.

I like the way he has used a variety of bright colours for the advertisement such as; Red (as the background which is a well known colour for Coke, logos and adverts), green, yellow, pink, blue, white and orange. I think that he decided to use bright colours to catch the publics attention, I believe this was his main intention as it is an advertisment. I like that way that he has creatively created patterns and imagery coming out of the coke bottle, because it seems to relate to the phrase written: 'live on the Coke side of life'. I think thisbecause the patterns and pictures coming out of the bottle are there to represent the wide variety of lifestyles coke can give you.

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