Tuesday 18 June 2013

Billie Jean In-depth Analysis

Billie jean, also known as Sam Piyasena as a well known graphic designer who his famous for his design for the Nike Campaign in France, 2004 where he designed a vintage style of Nike trainers in attempt to revolutionise fashion, mainly with the younger population, which is shown on the poster above. This poster consists of various drawings of things relating to Nike that he may have seen over the past 30 years. 

The theme of the poster is old school, vintage style street basketball which presented the Nike brand as a company that is 'in sync' with the youth back then, and the street lifestyle. This reputation that they had towards the public allowed them to relate to the 70s way of life.

Billie Jean has used graph paper and a biro pen (classroom equipment) very effectively as he has used these to draw doodles which creates a sense of a child like memory as it resembles a child in a classroom doodling on a piece of paper as a result of boredom. This creative retro theme that he has created, allows his poster to relate to the youth, which is his target market. Another important aspect of the poster is the large drawing of the vintage style trainer, which is the central piece as it is surrounded by the doodles. The composition of his drawings confirms the fact that he is mainly promoting the vintage trainer in the middle, using the doodles around it to remind the public of the retro theme the design comes. 

Personal Response: 

1 comment:

  1. Please complete the personal response section of this analysis and add more detail into the context and meaning of the artwork. Well done - brilliant start.
