Tuesday 17 September 2013

Egg Packaging Task

To test our packaging skills, we had to create a container to protect an egg when having a heavy book being dropped on it, we were only allowed to use specific material; paper, staples, glue or sellotape. In order to create good packaging I had to know which areas of the egg were most vulnerable to breaking and discovered that it was the top and the bottom. Therefore I created a triangular prism with a squared bottom to mainly protect the tip of the egg, preventing the bottom for getting damaged. 

I also researched different kinds of interesting egg packaging designs to help make my decision. Here are some examples: 

These are all examples of triangular shaped packaging that influenced my design. Unfortunately my packaging wasn't a success as the egg broke after the first trial of dropping a book onto it. I believe that it would have been a success if I had used stronger material, for example: card. I will apply this knowledge to creating my album case and use card to ensure that the cd is well protected. 

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