Monday 11 February 2013

Anna Garforth In-depth Analysis

This is a piece of typography called Grow (green graffiti) made in May 2012, by Anna Garforth. She is a London based artist who is currently working and living in East London at The Plant, which is a design and branding in Old Street. It has been said that she 'has diverse skills to uniquely capture the aesthetics of nature and transform the world around us'. Anna Garforth has worked across the world working with large, well known brands, agencies aswell as independant clients in places such as: Hong Kong, Holland and the UK.

I believe that the themes for this piece of typography would be obscurity, 'green graffiti' and nature. I realised this by analysing the material used (which is a part of nature) and researching on a website to find a title for the picture. I also recognised the theme of obscurity within this art work when I noticed that the material of the typography was growing out of a brick wall.

She has used materials such as; grass for the actual word which has been presented in a way to make it look like it is 'growing' out of a brickwall. I like the way she has done this because the word clearly stands out as the colour of the typography is much brighter in comparison to the wall and the texture of each material are completely different. This is important as the main aspect of the art piece is the word. Also the texture of the grass is highly important as it brings across the concept of the typography created as it relates to the actual word. If the texture wasn't shown the concept wouldnt be as clear. Therefore Anna has clearly realised her intentions and presented it well. I think that Anna Garforth thought carefully about the font that she used as she chose an italic font which I think allows the letters to flow into each other like the process of 'growing'
I chose this piture to analyse because I am very fond of the way that she has presented nature, using a word aswell as materials such as: grass and a brick wall. I also found the way the typography is presented very interesting as it is unusual to see grass growing out from a wall. This composition relates to a part of the exam theme: 'obscure' which gives the art piece more meaning. (I will also use this to help me think of an idea for my final exam piece). 

I believe that this piece of typography and the word itself could be a symbolic meaning that Anna Garforth is trying to portray. This could be the fact that we should allow our thoughts to 'grow'/expand and think outside the box (the ordinary) using an unusual conept; grass growing out of a wall. 

 Other examples of Anna Garforths typography, using the same materials and techniques:

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