Natsko Seki is a modern illustrator who was born in 1976 and grew up in Tokyo. She traveled to Brighton to study illustration and now works on a wide range of commissions, world wide. Natsko Seki's work is mainly influenced by the different architecture she sees wherever she is travelling, she collages pictures of her friends and family from photo albums as she believes that her work should be personal. This picture is a collage. I know this because she has stuck pictures of trees, giraffes and an elephant.
The genre of art that I would associate this picture with is landscape and I would say that the only theme is surrealism due to the use of the large elephants and giraffes in an open area with people playing.
I like the way she has used a variety of colours towards the top of the picture,for the same image; a tree. It looks as if she has used tissue paper for the trees which make the picture look very creative as she has also drawn and stuck pictures onto it.
Personal Response:
I have selected this picture to analyse because I appreciate the use of surrealism which relates to another artists art work; Rene Magritte who also does surrealism. I also like the way that she hasn't included colour everywhere in the picture, but where she uses colour, it is mostly bright. Lastly, I love the way that she has ordered the colours at the top of the page, becasue it seems that as you go along horizontally the colours blend into each other. 
The landscape picture I made after being inspired by Natsko Seki:
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